Tuesday, February 21, 2006

I Hate Year 10!!!!!!!!

It's already week three at school and I have to do 4 assignments before the end of term...Long story short I hate year 10!

My Dad

My dad is so awesome(when he's not a grumpy maniac). he finds the most awesome things...Yesterday he found two working computers and an Xbox something that i've wanted for a long time...Everything in my house has been found and it is awesome...

Friday, February 10, 2006

I Hate School

I really really really hate school...In 1 and a half weeks i've had to do so much homework it is so boring...And the stupid year Seven's are taking over, god I hate them, at least when I was in year seven it was alright because there wasn't much people but the last three year there has been over 130 year sevens, ugh...FUCKIN YEAR SEVEN'S

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Best Holidays Ever

These last holidays have been my best holidays ever...All holidays I was talking to my gf on msn and it's been great and yesterday on my last day of holidays in which only years 7, 11 and 12 went back to school, I called my gf in the states and we talked for 3 long awesome hours, the best 3 hours of my life.

I'm Soooooo Tired

Today was my first day of Year 10 and it was an alright day but it was really hot and unlike last year i'm not in any of the same classes as my English friend Rawley... One more thing my English callas is a sausage fest, it's the international house of sausgage. If you stupid enough not to know what that means it means that my class is all guys...But we got the coolest English teacher ever. Today was hell and tomorrow is gonna be worse. The bus trip this morning was really bad because there are alot more Year 7's this year then there was last year so the bus is packed but I get on at the first bus stop so i get the back seat and in the afternoons it's gonna be so packed that i might have to stand up and i hate that, I was lucky today because I left Engish class early to get my bus pass and then the bus came early so I got a seat. Now that i'm at school i'm not working on the school magazine anymore i don't think and usally when i'm working on it i bludge and talk to my awesome gf on msn2go but I can't do that now...Ugh right now i'm so hot and tired and bored because my gf isn't online.